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Skicka & signera
PDF:er via API

Behöver du integrera signering av dokument med BankID i en app eller på webben? Send Agreement API är:


Send Agreement API

Ett driftsäkert, snabbt och anpassningsbart API för att skicka och signera dokument

Signering där ni äger hela signeringsprocessen

Dokumentsignering med BankID - enkelt och rättssäkert

All e-post & alla SMS skickas från ert företags adresser

Alla länkar i e-post och SMS går till en subdomän till er webbsida

Brandad landningssida med er logo, ert typsnitt och era färger vid dokumentsignering

Klicka här för beskrivning av endpoints

Behöver ni integrera e-signering i ert system? Vårt API är enkelt, säkert och mycket snabbt att integrera - en erfaren programmerare bör kunna göra ett första utskick inom 5 minuter, oavsett programmeringsspråk.

API:t har två endpoints:
1) Send agreement: "Send Agreement" används för att skicka ut en PDF via SMS eller e-post. Som svar får du en guid och en url för landningssidan som skickats ut.

2) Get status: För att sedan se status på utskicket skickar du in guiden i vår andra endpoint - "Get Status". Då ser du exakt hur långt mottagaren har kommit i signeringen, vilka fält som fyllts i, om mottagaren scrollat ner på landningssidan och får en url till en underskriven PDF om dokumentet är underskrivet.

Nedan följer exempelkod med förklaringar av vilken data som krävs. Kontakta oss gärna om du vill veta mer!

Send Agreement endpoint (POST):

Send Agreement JSON:
"apiUser": "xxx",
// String - username given by BankSignering
"password" : "yyy",
// String - password guid given by BankSignering
"companyApiGuid" : "zzz",
// String - company guid given by BankSignering

"agreement" : "*agreement data*",
// Byte array (base 64 encoded) - agreement data
"agreementName" : "Testavtal",
// Optional string - agreement name

"sendEmail" : true,
// Bool - true sends email
"sendTextMessage" : false,
// Bool - true sends SMS if sendEmail == false
"isCompany" : false,
// Bool - sets if recipient company name & orgnr should be shown on landing page and in signed PDF
"signWithMouse" : false,
// Bool - if this is true the signature is done with the mouse and not with BankID
"inEnglish" : false,
// Bool - use English on the landing page and in the confirmation emails (default is Swedish)

"multipleClients" : [,
// Array - 1 or more customers/clients to send the agreement to
"CustomerGuid" : "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
// Optional string - a guid to identify the customer/client in the API calls
"FullName" : "John Doe",
// Optional string - the customer/clients full name
"Phone" : "0731111111",
// Optional string - phone number to send the SMS to. Use + prefix for international phone numbers
"Email" : "",
// Optional string - email to send the email to
"Company" : "Testföretaget AB",
// Optional string - the customer/client company name if it should be prefilled in the company field
"OrgNr" : "123123-1234",
// Optional string - the customer/client company org nr if it should be prefilled in the orgnr field
"PNr" : "123123-1234",
// Optional string - the customer/client social security nr if it should be prefilled in the pnr field

"mailSubject" : "Avtal att skriva under",
// Optional string - mail subject
"messageBeforeLink" : "Hej,<br /><br />Klicka på länken för att komma till avtalet:<br /><br />",
// Optional string - text in email/sms before the link to the agreement. use <br /> to break row.
"messageAfterLink" : "<br /><br />Mvh<br />Testföretaget AB",
// Optional string - text in email/sms after the link to the agreement. use <br /> to break row.

"agreementGuid" : "xzy",
// Optional string - If you wish to send a previously sent agreement to one or more new recipient, add the previously sent agreement guid here
"statusUpdateUrl" : ""
// Optional string - When a document is signed, the statusUpdateUrl + the agreement guid is pinged. If you add "" as statusUpdateUrl and "xzy" as agreementGuid, this url will be pinged: ""

Send Agreement response JSON:
"authResponse": {
"Success": true,
// Bool - was the authentification successful?
"ErrorMessage": null
// String - If something went wrong, what went wrong?
"apiCallResponse": { // Null if authentification fails
"Success": true,
// Bool - was the send successful?
"StatusMessage": "Agreement sent via email",
// String - How did the call go? And if something went wrong, what went wrong?
"AgreementGuid": "c1c53baf-9d97-4678-84e2-311c990fad12",
// String - The guid to use when getting the agreement status later
"LandingPageUrl": ""
// String - The url to the landing page where you can sign the agreement,
"multipleClients" : [,
// Array - if customerGuid is used, then links and guids for every single customer/client is shown
"CustomerGuid" : "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
// Used to identify the customer/client in the API calls ,
"AgreementGuid" : "c8b727d6-1ba9-4bbd-82f7-985e12174126",
// The guid used in the links to the single customer/client ,
"LandingPageUrl" : "",
// The link to the signing page for the single customer/client

Get Status endpoint (POST):

Get Status JSON:
"apiUser": "xxx",
// String - username given by BankSignering
"password": "yyy",
// String - password guid given by BankSignering
"companyApiGuid": "zzz",
// String - company guid given by BankSignering

"agreementGuid": "c1c53baf-9d97-4678-84e2-311c990fad12"
// String - The guid from the response from the Send Agreement endpoint

Get Status response JSON:
"authResponse": {
"Success": true,
// Bool - was the authentification successful?
"ErrorMessage": null
// String - if something went wrong, what went wrong?
"apiCallResponse": {
"Success": true,
// Bool - was the get status successful?
"StatusMessage": "Agreements fetched using AgreementGuid",
// String - How did the call go? And if something went wrong, what went wrong?
"StatusResponse": {
"Agreements": [
// Array - all the agreements connected to the AgreementGuid (normally 1 or 0)
"Status": "Slutförd",
// String - The status id explained in Swedish. All Status strings are stated below
"StatusId": 6,
// Int - The status id for the agreement. All Status ids are stated below
// String - the url where the signed PDF is located. This can be used to get the document
"SignedBy": "John Doe (2022-04-05 14:22:05)",
// String - a string showing all who have signed the document, including timestamps
"SignedByList" : [,
// Array - if customerGuid is used, then a list with all who have signed the document is shown
"CustomerGuid" : "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
// Used to identify the customer/client in the API calls ,
"Name" : "John Doe",
// The customer/clients name ,
"Created" : "2022-04-05 14:22:05",
// The time when the document was signed by the customer/client
"Created": "2020-04-23 10:40",
// String - when the first event occured for the signature, usually when it was sent
"Events": [
"CustomerGuid": "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
// String - The guid used to identify the customer/client
"Event": "Öppnat länken",
// String - The Event id explained in Swedish. All Event strings are stated below
"EventId": 1,
// String - The Event id for an event that occured. All Event ids are stated below
"Created": "2020-04-23 14:10:01"
// String - When the event occured
"CustomerGuid": "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
"Event": "Börjat scrolla ner på landningssidan",
"EventId": 3,
"Created": "2020-04-23 14:10:04"
"CustomerGuid": "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
"Event": "Börjat fylla i Ort",
"EventId": 4,
"Created": "2020-04-23 14:10:12"
"CustomerGuid": "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
"Event": "Börjat fylla i PNr",
"EventId": 5,
"Created": "2020-04-23 14:10:14"
"CustomerGuid": "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
"Event": "Klicka på Godkänn",
"EventId": 7,
"Created": "2020-04-23 14:10:18"
"CustomerGuid": "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
"Event": "Öppna BankID-appen-rutan visas",
"EventId": 10,
"Created": "2020-04-23 14:10:19"
"CustomerGuid": "005ef21f-9854-4160-989d-c27fa0a317c0",
"Event": "Signering slutförd",
"EventId": 12,
"Created": "2020-04-23 14:10:30"

Agreements status codes:

BankID sign aborted
Partly signed
BankID sign done
BankID sign done & PDF created

Events status codes:


Opened link
Started scrolling down the page
Started filling in city
Started filling in PNr
Clicked sign button
The window showing the "sign with BankID" message opened
The document was signed


Fyll i dina företagsuppgifter så skickar vi en offert inom 24 h

BankSignering. Intresserad? Kontakta eller ring 073 669 55 88

BankSignering. Intresserad? Kontakta eller ring 073 669 55 88
